Well - We arrived today into this hot red earth country. Except it wasn’t too hot (to begin with) - now I am lying in my underwear in Fi’s hotel room enjoying the air conditioning after sweating it out all day. The journey here was good. A quick overnight in Bangkok at first seemed ridiculous, but it was nice to get out of the airport and see a bit of Bangkok - have a shower, watch the cockroaches scuttle around, see our first beggar (with one foot missing), drink coconut milk from a nut hacked open by a street vender, and practice crossing roads with traffic flows like volcanic lava (and look the same lush red).
Got more and more excited as the hours became minutes before we reached Cambodia - though I was surprised at the size of the city as we saw it from the air. I guess a million people is a million people, wherever on earth you put them - and however much money they have (or don’t).
We were met by Sue Knight, Cee Chan and Kate. Nice to see Kate’s familiar face. I barely know her, and yet it was like seeing a close friend. I guess even feelings are relative. When you know many people those you love shine out of the crowd, and when you know nobody those who you have seen before shine out too.
We got a quick look at the VSA office (and email), before: hotel, bank and city drive by tour. The overall first impression? I’m going to love it here! It’s going to be amazing to see the city go through is seasons, see it in the heat, see it in the rain. But also to know it as I change. See it as I first see it, see it when I know my way around, see it when I am so familiar with the streets that I have begun to call it home. I can’t wait to get my wee apartment and begin to really settle here.

What an amazing opportunity. I am beginning to appreciate it more and more. As well as getting a little more scared about it all. I’m totally working on adrenaline buzz at the moment, and dreading the day I wake up and it’s gone, and I’m left exhausted after weeks of burning at both ends - to another hot hot day. It’s going to be scary. But for now I’m looking forward to exploring tomorrow. We have to be at the VSA office at 10am.
Fiona and I after our first lunch in PP
Ive already had a sore belly, but think that might be as a result of lack of sleep and messed up sleeping patterns. Hopefully it will settle in a few days. Looking forward to tomorrow and now must get some sleep! Scary to read Miris blog today and find out they are in a ‘state of emergency’! Hope all is well with them there, and that it adds to the excitement of the experience, not takes away from it.
Love you all
Lizards on the walls, I love these little guys.They are so transparent that you can see their
stomachs right through their skin!
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